Grace to you and peace….
How many of you have ever witnessed in real life an exorcism? I’ve heard of them. I’ve never seen an exorcism myself in the traditional sense. I wonder if the man in the gospel text was foaming at the mouth, talking with a different voice, flailing around…the stuff of Hollywood movies.
It’s possible to get caught up in imagining and trying to figure out what that must have been like, the drama, tragedy and terror of a man possessed by an unclean spirit, and miss the point of this story: that Jesus casts out demons. And he does in the synagogue, as the Rev. Dr. Joy Moore points out — in the holy house, when people gather to worship. Jesus can cast out demons among us Bethlehem and we huddle together in worship on this snowy day!
Yes, Jesus casts out unclean spirits, and we all have them. We all have demons living inside us. Maybe it’s not as obvious as this text or in the movies, but I think the most powerful demons are actually the most subtle, buried way down in our psyches, polluting our deepest being. It’s easy to separate ourselves from this story, at first glance, but we’re actually right in the middle of it. Can you name your demon? What is it that possesses you?
I’ve been doing some thinking about demons this week – stuff in us that’s got a hold of us for the worst, those death-making (as opposed to life-giving) – and it occurs to me that there are many, many different kinds of demons. Different for everyone.
The more obvious kinds of demons are the ones that are expressed externally. One might think of the seven deadly sins, among them: greed, sloth, anger, pride. These are demons that can live within us. Reinhold Niebuhr, 20th century theologian, used to say that the greatest problem with the world—if you could take all the sin of the world and sum it up with one word, it would be—pride. Talk about an unclean spirit…Everything comes down to the human being proud. That’s why people fight among themselves. That’s why people say cruel things. That’s why nations invade others who are weaker, that’s why there’s racism, that’s how anger flares up and greed takes over. That’s why people are hungry and poverty is a reality. PRIDE: The unclean spirit, according to Niebuhr.
But then others came along after Niebuhr and said, “That’s a very male perspective.” They said, “You know, that’s good stuff, but it doesn’t ring true for many women, nor is it true for all men.” This is my point: there are so many different kinds of demons.
Maybe for some of you, pride is the demon. It certainly can be for me. Anger too. Many of us act out our brokenness. But how many countless others are not full of pride in the least? In fact, maybe just the opposite. I don’t want to over-generalize, but I am generalizing: while many men and boys externally act out their brokenness (we see this with boys at school) into and through adulthood — powerful quote btw from Richard Rohr on men..he says that "when positive masculine energy is not modeled from father to son, it creates a vacuum in the souls of men, and into that vacuum, demons pour." — many women and girls, on the other hand, can go inside themselves, they can internalize their brokenness. (We see this with the rates of eating disorders among teenager girls, staggering numbers are cutting themselves or harming their own bodies in other tragic ways. I talked to someone who used to cut herself, and she said she did it because she desperately wanted to “feel” something, even if that was pain—makes you wonder if the churches could be more involved…)
So more contemporary scholars have countered with or added to Niebuhr’s idea of the sin of pride, the “SIN OF HIDING.” For one, the extreme is the “inflation of self,” the self thinks itself greater than it actually is—anger, greed, entitlement. But for others there is the “negation of self” – the sin of hiding. Susan Nelson Dunfee first described "the sin of hiding." She says it has enabled, in part, so many women to remain at in margins or in the shadows of leadership. I believe, there’s also of course sexism at play there (that’s a demon in is racism, and all the other toxic -isms). But the sin of hiding – silence, submission, enabling abuse, succumbing to guilt. Oh, guilt is a demon isn’t it? How many of us do things for no other reason than the fact that guilt is riding us like a monkey on our backs?
This gospel text is so real for us today. And what’s the good message here, that we can miss? Jesus cast out the demons!
Jesus takes our demons, friends—whatever they are—and commands them to leave us. One of my favorite spirituals. [clapping] “I’m so glad Jesus lifted me!” It’s a simple and profound celebration of the fact that Jesus does cast out our demons, molding us into the truest and purest thing we can be: fully human, fully Pam, fully Joe, fully Sydney, fully Kaj. For some, we fall victim to trying to be more than human, inflating ourselves with the “sin of pride.” For others, we fall victim to being less than human, deflating ourselves with “sin of hiding.”
Hear the good news, sisters and brothers, siblings in Christ: Jesus casts out those distorted portraits of ourselves, whichever way they’re distorted by sin and demons, and calls us, paints us into who we are made to be: beloved and sent out children of God. Baptized.
Sounds nice. But it doesn’t happen without a some thrashing about. Did you notice that in the text? “The unclean spirit, convulsed him and cried out with a loud voice.” Demons don’t like Jesus, and they don’t like to come out. Just ask anyone who’s battled addiction. The Greek word for the convulsing — sparatzan — has connotations of grasping and shaking violently.
And here’s another interesting thing to think about: The demons recognize Jesus. Often it’s very hard for us to recognize Jesus, when we meet him. Have you ever noticed that? You don’t know it’s Jesus immediately when the stranger greets you, when the friend offers a harsh word of admonition. [surprised] “Oh, that’s Jesus.” (Emmaus) The OT lesson today talks about false prophets — we don’t always recognize Jesus right away...but the demons do. What’s that about?
When our demons of pride or hiding are threatened by Jesus, it’s going to hurt coming out. The exorcism is going to shake us, because we’ve grown accustomed to living with our demons. So don’t be surprised if it stings a little, if you convulse a little in church — maybe the exorcism takes a whole season. Lent is coming.
...It all reminds me of when our kids would get a cut and always used to cry or at least wince when we washed the wound. We an all relate to that.
But in the end, friends in Christ, we are made clean, we are healed, we are freed from the all the demonic forces that tie us down. This is the Gospel truth, this day and forever. Praise be to God. AMEN.
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Sunday, January 31, 2021
January 30 -- Exocisms, Hiding, and YOU (Epiphany 4B)
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