Grace to you and peace from God who creates us from the muddy clay of the earth (I was on the shores of the Chesapeake this week, beautiful muddy earth), from Jesus who bridges us from our primal separation from God because of sin, and from the Holy Spirit, who comforts us when we are afflicted, and who afflicts us when we are comfortable. Amen.
At first glance this reading might lead us to the simple conclusion and popular aphorism that ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. There are two sons. The father asks them both to go out into the field, one says he’ll go and doesn’t. The other says he won’t and does. Jesus makes a model of the latter.
But, after praying and studying this text, I’m not sure
A-S-L-T-W, is really the lesson here.
First of all, in my own experience and in the experience of many that I’ve listened too…words sometimes (not always) speak louder than actions. It’s not pretty or fun to talk about, but the wounds from violent actions (physical abuse) can heal, but the wounds from violent words (emotional/spiritual abuse—insults that cut deep, threats, even just indifference to another’s presence or opinions) sometimes never heal. So not only is “a.s.l.t.w.” an interpretation of this particular scripture text that I don’t agree with, it’s a saying that I don’t think is even completely accurate.
So let me share with you a concept that flows through the entire Bible, certainly through the book of Matthew and therefore arches over this passage today...
Teleios. The Greek word is teleios. And it means mature, or complete, or commonly translated as perfect. Matthew 5:48 (be perfect even as God in heaven is perfect.) or Matthew 19:21 (Jesus said, "If you wish to be perfect go, sell your possessions, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.") I think translating teleios as “perfect” gets us headed down the wrong path. (I’m just full of opinions today, huh?) “Mature” or “complete” is more like it. The best way to think about this overarching theme of teleios is to think about it in terms of fruit. A banana or a pear is teleios — not when it is completely free of blemishes, but — when it is ready to eat. When it is ripe. When it has come to fruition or come full circle.
So read these texts with that in mind. “Come to fruition, even as your God in heaven has come to fruition.” There’s more of a notion of process here, and that’s very important to remember.
So returning to the two sons, with the concept of teleios—coming to fruition—in mind, let’s look at it again:
Jesus praises the brother who “says no” but “acts yes”…because he is engaged in the process of coming to fruition, he is ripening. The other brother is not. The other brother has chosen to reject the opportunity to go out and to work in the vineyard; he has refused the ripening process. In other words, he has rejected the journey of transformation.
Siblings in Christ, God is calling us this day to engage or perhaps renew our engagement, and enter again into teleios, into the process of coming to fruition as a disciple, a follower of Jesus. God is calling us into a journey of transformation.
Grace is empty, if the process of discipleship is not evident, if there is a refusal to ripen. Bonhoeffer called that the “carcass of cheap grace”…If we’re not on the journey of transformation, engaged in the ripening, the coming to fruition, the maturity and completeness, the teleios...then you simply haven’t experienced God’s grace. The church has failed you. The pastor has failed you. When God’s people are saying yes, but acting no, teleios has gone dormant.
Our Gospel today calls us to the vineyard, to follow Jesus, not just to say that we believe in Jesus. Our Gospel text for today is about coming full circle.
One way to illustrate this text is by looking at worship—what we’re in the midst of right now. Our faith, which is expressed here on Sunday morning, guides us into our week, bringing us to fruition, bringing us full circle. Worship/Church is more than mere tradition, it’s more than just “what we do/say” on Sunday.
How many of you have ever participated in any sort of theater production? Been to a dress rehearsal?
You see, worship is a dress rehearsal for Gospel living.
Think about the purpose of the dress rehearsal: It solidifies what we already know (lines), introduces something new (costumes), and prepares us for what’s ahead (opening night). Bringing everything full circle.
[look the sections at bulletin] Worship too, solidifies what we already know (in the gathering we are reminded and again we receive forgiveness of sins), introduces something new (as together we enter into the Word of God, and new light is shed on our understandings of the saving work of Jesus Christ), and through Bread and Wine, Body and Blood, the waters of the Baptismal font, we are prepared for what’s ahead, we are washed and nourished with heavenly water and food for the journey, the journey of discipleship—we are engaging in the journey of transformation, in teleios...even right now!
And what follows worship? What is that Sending all about (“go in peace, remember the poor,” we say today)? Because we receive forgiveness of sins right at the beginning, flowing from the baptismal font, here in worship, we are able to forgive others during our week. Coming full circle. Because there is a proclamation from this Holy Book about God’s love and God’s hope on account of Jesus Christ, we are then enabled to speak words of love and forgiveness. Coming full circle.
Because justice is alive at God’s Holy Table, as all are welcome to the feast of Jesus’ own body, edible grace, then we are empowered to live out that same model of justice and compassion, welcoming and feeding the friend and the stranger alike. Coming full circle. Because we are sent out with God’s blessing at the end of our worship service, we are filled with the task of sending others, empowering others, inviting others to follow Jesus, calling others back into the love of God…through both our words and our actions. Coming full circle.
We are not a “gathering of eagles around a carcass of cheap grace,” on Sunday mornings. Worship for us is more than just a going through the motions each week. Worship is a dress rehearsal for Gospel living, a modeling of God’s very will being done here on earth “as it is in heaven.”
Here we are caught in the undertow of grace, here we are swept up in the process of coming full circle, in the ripening, in the coming to be the people God has molded us, breathed into us, redeemed us, and filled us anew to be!
You know, I went to some vineyards here in Northern Virginia recently...last week. It was good to look out over the vineyards (and enjoy a nice blend of grapes), but I was thinking about how could I align even better my own words with my actions. After all, we’re coming into the stewardship season, the season of giving back with joyful hearts, what God has first given us.
And I am pondering what I might give up or take on during these days. Not just discipleship disciplines in Lent: what kinds of faith actions can we put into practice now, in response to the grace that God has first given us? Let’s make these a faith-moves together. Let’s do teleios together — might look different for each of us. Some might give up meat after seeing the impact that consumption has on the planet, others might write letters, others might try tithing, others might volunteer, or protest, or make phone calls to members of this congregation. Words and actions lining up, you see, I’m pondering this myself, and even if I had something to share I’m not sure I’d want to roll it out here in a sermon in some grand exposition of my faithfulness...I’m praying on it...
But if I am going to speak about compassion and justice, I have to ask how I might start to act more in that direction.
Pay attention this week to the nudgings of the Spirit, that’s how the Holy Spirit works…quiet ways.
Where is God whispering to you this week, how is that gracious and loving Holy Spirit is afflicting the comfortable areas of your life. How is God inviting you to have your words and your actions come full circle? How are you becoming teleios? Because I have no doubt that God is working on you.
As that complicated Holy Spirit continues to nudge you, at the very same time, may God’s loving arms of mercy and peace wrap around you and fill you with all-goodness and grace, even today, even now, and forever more. AMEN.